
Frame 232(22).png

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Why chose SlimeVR over other trackers?



How many trackers are recommended?

Since SlimeVR uses FK to calculate your position; a minimum of 5 trackers are recommended: Chest, thighs, and ankles.

Frame 207(1).png

But up to 14 can be used.

Frame 204(5).png

See https://docs.slimevr.dev/slimevr101.html

Putting on your Trackers - SlimeVR Docs

Where can I buy SlimeVR trackers?

Somatic VR - Transcend Reality

Acerola's Ko-fi Shop is Open!

Or commission them through the SlimeVR Discord inside the marketplace forum


An example of the SlimeVR Discord marketplace

An example of the SlimeVR Discord marketplace

SlimeVR Troubleshooting

SlimeVR Wiki