<aside> ⚠️
As of right now, the SteamVR roomscale setup still requires the use of a SteamVR Headset and a pair of controllers. It’s currently impossible to setup room scale tracking without this.
for Trackers Only mocap (disable HMD entirely) you can enable the null driver in SteamVR.
Go to:
C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\SteamVR\\resources\\settings\\default.vrsettings
and change these values
"require Hmd": false, ”forcedDriver”: “null”,
"activateMultipleDrivers": true,
Then go to:
and change this value
"enable": true,
⚠️ To enable non-vr mode add -vrmode none
to launch options in Steam
Head Rigs for iPhone and Trackers