Frame 1(2).png

Hardware setup

<aside> ⚠️

As of right now, the SteamVR roomscale setup still requires the use of a SteamVR Headset and a pair of controllers. It’s currently impossible to setup room scale tracking without this.


Setting up the null driver in SteamVR

for Trackers Only mocap (disable HMD entirely) you can enable the null driver in SteamVR.

Go to: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\SteamVR\\resources\\settings\\default.vrsettings and change these values "require Hmd": false, ”forcedDriver”: “null”, "activateMultipleDrivers": true,

Then go to: C:\\ProgramFiles(x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\SteamVR\\drivers\\null\\resources\\settings\\default.vrsettings and change this value

"enable": true,

Video tutorial


Recording in Mocap Fusion without a HMD

<aside> ⚠️ To enable non-vr mode add -vrmode none to launch options in Steam



Assigning a head tracker

Head Rigs for iPhone and Trackers

→ Iphone facial capture

Additional features

Starting a recording using the waist tracker