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Software requirements

See Pricing Breakdown

The free playtest version of Mocap Fusion can be used for this tutorial, no purchase necessary!

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Hardware requirements

See Recommended Hardware setups

This guide was written using a Valve Index + 3 Vive trackers + 2 base stations

But any SteamVR setup should work.

For Quest users, see Oculus Meta Quest Link Setup - How to Sync Quest and Steam VR Playspaces

For tracker strap recommendations, see Tracker Straps and Mounts

Step by step process

Connect your base stations, turn your trackers ON, strap them to your body parts of choice. Put on your VR headset. This can work without VR too as you can move the camera in the desktop App.

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<aside> 💡 You can set the mirror room scene as the default environment by clicking on the Save Scene button while a custom scene is loaded. After restarting; it’ll load the saved scene including the map, player location, props, cameras and other avatars

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